I have been working with Eric for more than a year now to define the procedures in my company and to define the activites of each divisions in details. We cleared up the functions of all our employees and also the direction of the flows of information, so everybody could take responsibility for their own actions.
Eric is the best company coach that I have ever met. He can achieve to make the company work well and so everybody can do his best in order to reach the wanted and common goals individually, and as a team.
Erzsébet Priszter
Executive Director
PTA-Diamond Ltd.
FreeHorse Style Kft.
Nóra and Eric help our business as professional coaches.
Like real trainers, they make us produce the maximum results.
Every company should have such weekly „x-rays” and check-ups, to pinpoint what is not done and what is not utilized.
Nóra and Eric are the best consultants of company management, they help us at those points, where we really need help.
We recommend them to everyone, because they are a truely motivating and expert team!
György Török and Imola Mészáros
FreeHorse Style Kft.
Loksacél Kft.
Since we separated who is responsible for what and defined it exactly, I have observed in my company the staff being a lot more enthusiastic. They are also more effective and they handle their duties in a good spirit.
They are very happy about the new duties and the fact that they need to make decisions in their areas.
I have observed the actual work to be much more effective.
With other words I could say that the staff woke up and started to work!
Even those who did a pretty slob work up till now, even they started to grow wings from the new responsibilities and tasks.
Ágnes Loksa
Owner and Executive Director, LoksAcél Ltd.
Williamson and Klark Corporate Finance Kft.
Williamson and Klark Corporate Finance Kft. have assigned Executive Success Kft. with the task of assisting in its corporate organizational project. We have started to work on the project together in 2009. As a result of our cooperation, Williamson and Klark Corporate Finance Kft. have by now reached a state where all work flows are well organized and every single part of our service is documented. By reaching this goal Williamson and Klark Corporate Finance Kft. has been able to increase its field of activity and to open new branch offices in Bratislava, Slovakia and Marosvásárhely, Romania.
During our work with Executive Success Kft. we have experienced sound knowledge of the Hubbard Management Tech and a perfection of its application. Our work with Executive Success has also involved the hiring of new staff. As a result of Executive Success Kft’s competent assistance Williamson and Klark Corporate Finance Kft. has been able to employ willing and capable people, whose aim is to fly the company into heights never seen before.
I truly recommend Eric and Nora to those wanting to improve their business activities and profitability. They are an excellent choice.
Kinga Szabó
Owner, Executive Director – Williamson and Klark Corporate Finance Ltd.
AlphaSonic Kft.
My name is Dessislava Dimitrova, I am one of the owners of AlphaSonic Ltd. We are wholesalers for networking, security, connectivity and computer accessory products.
I got to know Eric and Nora Helle in 2008 by recommendation.
One of our partner company’s executive told me, that he had an organizational problem and that he started to work with them and things got back on the rails.
As at that time we also had similar problems within the company which we needed to solve, we quickly called them up because we needed a standard Admin Tech solution.
Our cooperation lasted for 1 and a half years and during this time they showed us certain management tools, which made the supervision of the company simpler and more effective. We also established certain fixed discussion and meeting points and from that point we were able to speak the „same language” with our executive collegues.
They also helped me to create a stable foundation for our marketing, because they showed us how important it is to do surveys on publics and how to put these together and how to evaluate them.
I can highly recommend them to other company executives!
Dessislava Dimitrova
Owner – AlphaSonic Ltd.
The actual, real usage of the organizing board started to generate very good procedures in the company.
It helped staff morale greatly. More and more products are being produced.
Those who have been effect of work till this point, now became cause because we made them responsible for those areas they are talented at.
The responsibility level of the staff also increased.
We dealt with the staff members personally and we have cleared up several things which were not understood in the past. I was astonished because many things came up.
Soon it became clear for me, that when staff members really understand something, they become interested.
All together we had loads of gains by practicing and introducing the organizing board.
Our company started to really go, so far every month of this year our production statistics exceeded the same month of last year.
I can truely recommend every company owner or executive not to lag behind, but follow what Eric and Nóra says in their company!
János Polyák
VASEX Ltd. – Executive Director and Owner
Our cooperation whereby you consult my company every week brought very positive results to me.
First of all, I am not alone – I can always turn to you for assistance.
Nowdays I ask you questions, which beforehand I would have thought noone could knew the answer for.
A company executive every day encounters problems which he has no sudden good solutions for.
As in the last few years these kind of problems I had to solve by myself – I have developped an automatic reflex, that I will not share these with anyone as I have to find the solution for them. This is my duty. I can not call any employee, friend or family member to help me, because they do not think they way I do.
They have a completely different viewpoint.
It was an unbelivably good feeling to relalise, that these owner- or executive-type problems are not unique problems.
I am not the only one to have these! Several thousands of company executives have to confront these and many of them have already thought through those things which one has to think through in such situations. So why should I now invest too much energy into this?
Simply stating, all problems have an already worked out solution. This is unbelivable! It took me a long time to be able to belive this to be true, but it is true.
When a solution exists, one only needs to put energy into making it to be a reality, which I like to do with great pleasure.
I am not alone, I have help. It is a fantastic feeling!
I am very greatful to you for your fast replies. When I get stuck in organizing something, or in the commotion of my executive duties, I can always turn to you and the next day the situation clears up because of your answers.
The organizational technology you teach me is truely brilliant. Simply brilliant.
It does happen sometimes that I do not agree with the datum you give me, but without exceptions it always proves to be true at the end when I examine it closely.
This is a truely professional management technology.
Thank you very much for your help. Thanks a lot!
Zsolt Mánya
MAVIT Ltd. – Owner and Executive Director
„I have worked at many different areas and I felt that I was being teared apart from all the different jobs….
I had no idea what to do and what will solve the problem to be able to produce more and be more effective.
Nóra and Eric got me „into their hands.” We looked into what we had to find solutions for at the first place.
And we put together those steps which I needed to take and established how to take them.
I did not know the condition formulas, and I had the biggest resistance on the point of dealing with statistics…
Nóra and Eric helped me to understand the importance of these and learn how how to work out and apply the condition formulas in my work as well as in my life.
Since that time I am handling the existing situations much more effectively and much faster and actually can see solutions in the problems.
Thank you very much for your persistent and standard, on-policy service!
Dr. Mária Fábián
Director – Forever Living Products
What I really like in you that you are doing your things without trying to „teach me”and telling me off.
You just ask me and ask me (of course always the right questions) and then I cognite, I realise what needs to be done and the whole thing becomes my solution.
Actually what I realised that basically I you are not working, but you make me work. And this is why the service is valuable.
Because this way I really understand, learn and apply.
Even if you advice me, you ask: „Have you possibly thought of …..”
I have never received from you any evaluation, or invalidation for things I have done.
You make me look at my own stupidity or brightness by questioning me.
In other words thank you very much!
Gyula Piroska
Owner and Executive Director – Piroska Gyula Training Ltd.